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Intelligent Draft and Damper System

Fireplace. Easy.

Maintaining proper and safe draft conditions for the fireplace while providing combustion air are massive challenges in today’s tight construction. Now you can set new standards in fireplace safety and energy savings for your gas fireplace or other gas-fired decorative appliances. Meet Intellidraft, ENERVEX's Modulating Fireplace Draft and Safety System.

IntelliDraft is an economical, environmentally friendly intelligent draft solution that quietly maintains perfect draft for fireplaces while protecting homes from dangerous chimney downdraft and fireplace spillage.

It is the first completely automated venting control system for use with gas fireplaces and is ideal for single-family dwellings.

  • Can be integrated into virtually any fireplace design
  • Perfect draft saves fuel, eliminates spillage & carbon emissions
  • Protects against downdrafts and spillage
  • Automatically shuts down fireplace in unsafe conditions
  • Chimney closes when fireplace is not in use, saving energy
  • No need for glass doors
  • Provides ambiance
  • Ensure proper draft & safe operating conditions at all times
  • Save fuel and energy
  • Get design freedom for virtually any chimney application
  • Discreet termination 

The IntelliDraft connects a draft and safety controller, the ADC150 and its pressure sensor, to an RS chimney fan, the MFD chimney damper and the fireplace’s gas valve.

When the user wants to turn on the fireplace – typically using a wall switch – the controller signals the mechanical chimney damper to open. Once open, the controller automatically ramps up the chimney fan speed until the draft set-point has been reached and the integrated draft protection switch closes. At this point, the controller allows the fireplace to fire by opening the gas valve.

During operation of the fireplace the control continues to monitor the draft and will maintain the proper draft set-point by modulating the chimney fan speed whenever needed.

When the user turns the fireplace or appliance off, the control leaves the damper open until all residual combustion products have been exhausted out of the building by the chimney fan; then the control discontinues chimney fan operation and closes the damper.

If for any reason the draft set-point can’t be maintained during operation, the controller will completely shut down the fireplace or appliance operation.

Events that could cause a complete shutdown include:

  • Extreme chimney downdrafts
  • Extreme building depressurization
  • Electrical blackouts
  • Electrical or mechanical failure to any IntelliDraft system component
Intellidraft draft and damper system with chimney fan, fireplace damper, modulating fan and damper controller
RS Chimney Fan—disperses the smoke sideways (horizontally) just like a standard chimney cap
Chimney Fan

Makes it easy to control your gas-fired fireplace and adds safety features, while being whisper-quiet.

MFD Mechanical Fireplace Damper—automated chimney-top mounted damper used in a combined fan and damper system
Mechanical Fireplace Damper

An energy-saving, low profile, automated chimney-top mounted fireplace damper for use with gas-fired applications.

ADC150 Modulating Fan & Damper Controller—monitors and maintains a constant draft in a chimney
Modulating Fan & Damper Controller

A Modulating Fan & Damper Control used with gas fireplaces where it monitors and maintains a constant draft in a chimney.