Residential Products


The perfect fireplace features a flame that’s just the right size – not too high or too low and that doesn’t allow smoke to escape from the firebox.

Today’s energy efficient homes are designed to keep airflow in the house to a minimum, which saves energy but makes it difficult to create a good draft. A fireplace that doesn’t get a good draft spills smoke, soot, and ash into the house, creating a mess and an unpleasant environment.

An ENERVEX Chimney Fan provides a reliable draft in your chimney – all the time. And you’ll never even notice that it’s there.

“I’ve been in the hearth industry a long time, so I know a lot about poorly-performing chimneys. An ENERVEX Chimney Fan is the best way I know to prevent soot and smoke from coming into a house. I tell my customers that if they want a maintenance-free, problem-free way to stop smoking fireplaces – and save on fuel costs – they need to install an ENERVEX Chimney Fan.” - Former chimney sweep

RS Chimney Fan—disperses the smoke sideways (horizontally) just like a standard chimney cap

Makes it easy to control your gas-fired fireplace and adds safety features, while being whisper-quiet.

RSHT Chimney Fan—high-temperature exhaust fan used in venting solid-fuel fireplaces, BBQs, pizza ovens and stoves

This chimney fan is the guaranteed cure for smoke escaping your wood-fired fireplace, or wood, pellet or coal appliances.