Olympic Stadium Montreal

Montreal , QC

The Montreal Olympic Park is a source of national pride and includes the Olympic Stadium, a 541 foot (165 meters) observation tower and The Biodome. In 2015, the Park began a $6.5 million energy retrofit that reduced the energy bill by $ 1.55 Million. The project went on to win first place in the existing public assembly category of the 2019 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Technology Awards. The work lasted three years and four major projects were on the program:

  • Refurbishment of the thermal power plant
  • Conversion of the steam heating network into a hot water network
  • Optimization of ventilation
  • Installation of LED lighting

Ecosystem partnered with ENERVEX to apply a boiler heat recovery system as a part of this project.

The Challenge

  • design a heat recovery system with an impressive payback
  • design an energy efficient heat recovery system to meet varying demands
  • improve boiler efficiency
  • cut down on energy consumption

The Solution

  • A new ENERVEX VHX6400-66 flue gas heat recovery system from ENERVEX was installed on the stack of the primary boiler boosting the boiler's efficiency to 89%
  • A TDF 685 mechanical draft control system was applied to heat a low temperature water loop
  • Solution results in significant annual energy savings
  • Recovers an estimated 4,300MBH of energy off a single 45,000MBH boiler
  • A payback of less than two years




